This page includes an embedded Python application to help you explore Wordle solutions and patterns using consonants and vowels. The purpose is to make you think, not give you the answer.

Because I’m no interface wizard, the Solution Explorer uses a rudimentary text-based interface.

To use the program, enter a five-character word at the prompt, which can be any of the following:

  • Enter a five-letter word, and the Explorer will tell you if the word is a valid Wordle solution. (Remember, Wordle uses its own unique list of common five-letter words, with no plurals ending in S.) For example, you can verify that “SPLIT” is a valid Wordle solution but “SPATS,” a legitimate English word, is not.
  • Enter a five-character string including letters and the symbols & (representing a consonant) and + (representing a vowel). The Explorer will list up to 20 words that match the pattern you’ve entered, or indicate that there are no matches. For example, if you enter “SPL+T”, the Explorer will reveal that there are two matching solutions, SPLIT and SPLAT. Or enter &&+&&, and the Explorer will reveal that there are 352 Wordle solutions with a vowel in the middle of four consonants, and list the first 20.
  • Enter a five character string including letters, &, +, and the complete wildcard ? (question mark). The explorer will show all the consonant-vowel patterns that match what you’ve typed, and the number of Wordle solutions matching each. For example, if you enter “SP?+?”, the Explorer will show you that three solution patterns match what you’ve typed: SP++& (as in “SPOOL”), SP&+& (as in SPLIT) and SP&++ (as in SPREE). If there is only one matching pattern, it will also list the Wordle solutions that match that pattern.

Enter “STOP” to end the program at any time. You can restart it by clicking on “Run” or refreshing the page. (If you wait more than 30 seconds, the program will stop, and you’ll need to refresh the page). Please report other bugs in the comments on this page. I’d also love to see comments about any other discoveries you make with this tool.

I hope you find this helpful — but not too helpful.