Why it matters that high-profile bigots no longer have a safe harbor on Facebook

Why it matters that high-profile bigots no longer have a safe harbor on Facebook

Facebook and Instagram have banned these hateful people as “dangerous” individuals: Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Louis Farrakhan, Laura Loomer, Paul Nehlen, and Paul Joseph Watson. Opponents of bigotry are cheering. But it’s time to look deeper into what this ban means for the platform. I will not shed a tear for any of these people….

The Milo Yiannopoulos whine is the endpoint of a troll’s lifecycle
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The Milo Yiannopoulos whine is the endpoint of a troll’s lifecycle

Milo Yiannopolous is a provocateur. A British national stirring up American politics, a gay icon of the alt-right, he takes hateful positions on race and politics that have earned him wrath and protests wherever he appears. He advocated for sex with 13-year-olds. He cheered on Gamergate’s harassment of women. As a result, now, his life…

Cyber-rattling from a weak, equivocal, and ignorant Donald Trump

Cyber-rattling from a weak, equivocal, and ignorant Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s interview about technology on breitbart.com is uncharacteristically equivocal; he sounds like any other politician. Apparently, his batshit candor is limited to tweets, debates, and speeches. Memo to Trump-haters and opponents: technology is his weak spot. Breitbart Tech’s Milo Yiannopoulos interviewed Trump about tech issues from the NSA to artificial intelligence. Full of equivocation and hedges, Trump’s…