How the Boston Globe trolled gay football player Carl Nassib with its choice of photo

How the Boston Globe trolled gay football player Carl Nassib with its choice of photo

Yesterday, Carl Nassib, defensive lineman for the NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders, revealed on Instagram that he was gay. Most of the photos in articles about the news were straightforward — but the Boston Globe decided to play some childish subliminal tricks. Nassib’s announcement was historic because he’s the first gay NFL player to come out…

God’s test

God’s test

God is testing you. But maybe not the way you think. I am betting you are a committed person. The values you hold close are sacred to you. You put a lot of energy into living and sustaining those values. But that is not always easy. There will come a moment when you are tested….

Antipodes Pride’s pusillanimous, passive, pointless police press release
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Antipodes Pride’s pusillanimous, passive, pointless police press release

The Auckland, New Zealand police and Auckland Pride, an LGBTQ support organization, were unable to come to an agreement about police marching in the Pride parade. They did, however, produce one of the most oblique, passive, and ultimately pointless media releases ever posted. This is what happens when you’re not sure what to say, but…