Freelancers: Here’s why referrals are way, way better than leads (and what to do about it)

Freelancers: Here’s why referrals are way, way better than leads (and what to do about it)

There are three sources of business for a freelancer: repeat business, referrals, and leads. Repeat business is great, referrals are very good, and leads are problematic. How do you want to spend your time? Here’s a definition of a successful freelance business: Spending your time doing what you do best for people who appreciate it,…

Content marketing for freelancers: notes on tone and content

Content marketing for freelancers: notes on tone and content

When you’re a freelancer, leads are your lifeline. Where do they come from? Five years experience at this has taught me that while content marketing works, tone is just as important as content. Back up a bit. I have had six full-time jobs in my pre-freelance career. The first five of them I got through…

The three sources of leads, or why it pays to be nice

The three sources of leads, or why it pays to be nice

There are three basic ways for a freelancer to get business: inbound queries, referrals, and community participation. They have one thing in common: being nice pays off. Inbound is effective, but expensive Inbound marketers would have you believe that if you create awesome, SEO-enabled content, leads will roll in. They are right, but it is…

The right and wrong way to volunteer to help on Facebook

The right and wrong way to volunteer to help on Facebook

My non-profit needs to build an online community with some very specific requirements and a completely new Web site. So I posted for help on Facebook. I got some great responses and some awful ones, which revealed a lot about the business netiquette of social media. While messages on Facebook are informal, they succeed only when they’re…