Finding fulfillment: the only four things I still do, and the one I gave up

Finding fulfillment: the only four things I still do, and the one I gave up

A funny thing happens as you get older. All the noise and confusion of a busy career quiets. You begin to focus on what’s important. And you give up silly and unproductive behaviors. Here are the only four things I still do. And the one thing I’m pleased not to do any more. Learn You…

How motivational platitudes are undermining America

How motivational platitudes are undermining America

More than 300,000 people follow the Twitter account Motivational Tweets. You can really appreciate the vacuity of motivational platitudes when you get them multiple times an hour, interrupted only by ads for horoscopes and diet plans. Reviewing this feed has shown me why our country is a mess. Sayings like this are a pernicious assault on reality….